Riddle for a Skiing Violinist
Here is a subset from my collection of 428 Pithy Thoughts, to help set the stage. Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains the original dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes For Musicians: Imagination creates reality. – Richard Wagner Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine;…
Gwledd Gwobrau PASEF
Ar Fawrth 12, 2022, Cynhaliodd PASEF y wledd gyntaf ers i'r pandemig gau Camelback ym mis Mawrth 2020. Roedd y storm eira ar y diwrnod hwnnw yn gwneud presenoldeb yn anodd i lawer. Fel rhan o'r dathlu, gofynnwyd i hyfforddwyr gyflwyno tair gwobr; Athletwr sydd wedi Gwella Mwyaf, Gwobr Athletwyr a Hyfforddwyr Eithriadol. Alpha/Bravo Group Coaches Steve and Megan…
Dry-Land Training Program For PASEF Membership
An effective dry-land training program is based on well-known best practices which have historically built confidence into performance. Your plan will outline goals with time-tables that chart progress over the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds between now and the moment you will approach your next starting wand! Create a plan…
Website Update
We are excited to return to the Well-Tempered Clavier project and this website after 20 years. What was originally conceived as a DVD issue, is no longer relevant, but the extensive work in creating new editions of the music, audio and visual depictions is now getting published online, and the work will be continuing as…
Mae ein cynnyrch cyntaf, ar ôl blynyddoedd o ddatblygiad, bellach yn realiti. This 2-DVD multi-media set is in a beta stage, wrth i ni ofyn am adborth ac adolygiadau gan addysgwyr proffesiynol gerddoriaeth. It will soon be available for purchase directly from this website, and we will have an upgrade program for early purchasers in the case of significant…