Website Update
We are excited to return to the Well-Tempered Clavier project and this website after 20 years. What was originally conceived as a DVD issue, is no longer relevant, but the extensive work in creating new editions of the music, audio and visual depictions is now getting published online, and the work will be continuing as…
Fyrsta varan okkar, eftir margra ára þróun, er nú veruleiki. Þetta 2-DVD multi-frá miðöldum sett er à beta stigi, meðan við fara fram viðbrögð og gagnrýni frá faglegum kennurum tónlist. Það mun bráðum vera laus fyrir innkaup beint frá þessari vefsÃðu, and we will have an upgrade program for early purchasers in the case of significant…