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My name is Stephen Colvin and I live in New York City.

I have decided to share what I have learned from my study of psychology, my experience as a professional musician, performing in theaters and concert halls, as well as my love for the outdoors, playing sports and coaching athletes, all on this website.

If you have an insatiable appetite for playing musical instruments, performing with musicians as well as a passion for playing and coaching sports, you’re very fortunate.

My instruments, or tools for expression, are the piano, the French horn, the violin, conducting large or small gatherings of musicians, alpine skis, tennis racquets and tennis balls!

As a teenager, I loved alpine skiing, playing tennis and the sound of the French horn. Today, I’m an alpine race coach, a tennis coach, musician and conductor.

I love spending time playing musical instruments, practicing the piano, violin, or French horn and conducting chamber music, symphony orchestra, opera, modern or ballet whenever the opportunity arises.

Learning something new, playing either an instrument or a new sport is not easy. It’s okay to feel frustrated and confused and think of yourself as being really stupid because you’re not getting it. We need to become novelty seekers looking to balance the familiar and the new.

In the beginning, we start out unconsciously incompetentwe don’t know what we don’t know. It takes time to discover what needs our attention as we become consciously incompetentwe learn what we don’t know. The next stage is becoming consciously competentwhere focused and effective practice builds confidence. The final stage is unconscious competence when we become one with our instrument, whatever it may be.

Understanding technical information and delivering it effectively requires practice. It takes the ability to transform it into a creative and practical application. The ability to express ones thoughts using words simple enough to understand in all age groups is not as easy as it might seem at first. With this desire in mind, there are many subjects which seem complex or mysterious that can be creatively and masterfully simplified.

Exploring and discovering the inner workings of musical instruments and how any human being can draw music from them, as well as the ability to do the same with a pair of skis or a tennis racquet and a tennis ball is the goal and purpose of this website.

Being a performing musician is a lot like being an athlete. Professional musicians and committed athletes have routine rituals, maintaining healthy diets, getting restful sleep, focusing in practice, training, visualization and meditation, etc.

Here, I will offer steps to take and shortcuts to make for learning alpine skiing, tennis, or playing music. Great insight comes from the discovery of natural shortcuts, such as skillfully blending fundamental elements in both sports and music. Meanwhile, we can also be given shortcuts which enhance our ability to apply these elements. Mastery comes from achieving an unconscious competence where everything occurs naturally.

I believe in the magic of books. Here, you will find a list or repository of my complete library, including books about writing, coaching, alpine skiing, psychology & philosophy, leadership, music, tennis, JS. Beek, the piano, classical piano music, popular piano music, jazz piano music, French horn music, violin music, miniature scores, medium scores, octavio scores, opera vocal and full scores, Novello short biographies, programs conducted, en Pithy Thoughts.

My goal is to eventually provide links to whatever is in the public domain.

There is so much to discover and the journey is totally worth it.

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Bring me a bowl of coffee before I turn into a goat

— JS. Beek

O you happy sons of the North who have been reared at the bosom of Bach, how I envy you.

— Giuseppe Verdi

Bach is a colossus of Rhodes, beneath whom all musicians pass and will continue to pass. Mozart is the most beautiful, Rossini the most brilliant, but Bach is the most comprehensive: he has said all there is to say. If all the music written since Bach’s time should be lost, it could be reconstructed on the foundation which Bach laid.

— Charles Gounod

Nu is er muziek van waaruit een mens kan iets leren.

— In. Een. Mozart

Any musician, even the most gifted, takes a place second to Bach’s at the very start.

— Paul Hindemith

I worked hard. Anyone who works as hard as I did can achieve the same results.

— JS. Beek

De menselijke natuur strip totdat de goddelijke eigenschappen duidelijk worden gemaakt, tot de gewone bedrijfsuitoefening met geestelijke ijver informeren, vleugels van de eeuwigheid te geven aan datgene wat het meest efemere; goddelijke dingen en de menselijke goddelijke dingen maken; zodanig Bach, de grootste en zuiverste moment in de muziek van alle tijden.

— Pablo Casals

Bach is the supreme genius of musicThis man, who knows everything and feels everything, cannot write one note, however unimportant it may appear, which is anything but transcendent. He has reached the heart of every noble thought, and has done it in the most perfect way.

— Pablo Casals

Religion is an internal spiritual world, and I have my own, with my god, Johann Sebastian Bach. I mean, why not?

— Jack Kevorkian

Industriously practice the fugues of good masters; above all, those of J.S. Beek. Let The Well-Tempered Clavichord be your daily meat. Then you will certainly become an able musician

— Robert Schumann
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